Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Jail Ministries in Texas - Bill

This time in my Jesus walk affected me more than so many other avenues. This is all about being Real; men and women in cages brings out the best and worst in them, which I witnessed in this Black Man's world. Make no mistake, it's a white world and we have Congress to help us white folk. When you enter a jail system roles reverse, the black people run the show. As Rebecca and I entered the Harrison county jail, I saw first hand that almost the entire population was black. I could see in the eyes of the white guys a look of hopelessness and a feeling of power in the body language of the black guys. My, my, how things change; it was like stepping into a black man's skin. I know all to well what it feels like to be the wrong color. As I stood there with Rebecca, I wasn't sure who I felt more sorry for, white people for putting themselves in this situation or black people out in the free world. This jaw dropping time not only in jail systems in Texas, but several other states gave me strength for many other avenues of my faith walk. This first three hours of jail Ministry also prepared me for where Rebecca took me when we left. For several reasons this will be one of my more exciting chapters.

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