Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Finding Joy Through Recycling!!!! - Bill

True pain through loss will live with you as long as you allow, finding Joy by walking a path set by Jesus is the answer. After many mistakes while feeling sorry for myself, I followed my heart and my interest in recycling by volunteering. In Lansing, Michigan youth on probation perform community service at recycling stations. I found myself enjoying time spent with the youth more gratifying than conveying the concept of recycling through service. Soon I realized the positive impact I was having on the young people, and how this was fulfilling my parental needs. This was the first step in learning to believe in the path God had planned for me. I knew in my heart I was to pull up roots and move to Central Michigan, specifically to the Weidman area. This area had been near and dear to me throughout my whole life, our summer camping area. Soon after moving I found Weidman had a part time recycling program, a program most found confusing as to which Saturdays would be open. I happened to meet the director of recycling and threw a couple ideas at her. I had just begun walking God's plan for me, and finding out just how much trouble being a Christan can be.

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