Saturday, November 24, 2018

Circle, AK: Youth Camp

A trip on the mighty Yukon River is so exciting, given it's history, but traveling to the Gwich'in youth camp is a trip so special.
Alexa and Mike invited Penny and Bill to travel to 19 mile up river on such a beautiful day. Since Mike's passing all trips with him are cherished.

Natural Beauty throughout Circle

Circle, AK. Another Blessing

Ed owns land all over Yukon Flats, the largest landowner on this part of the Yukon River. Penny and Bill ask Ed, would he be upset if the council garden spilled just a bit on to his property. He said Penny and Bill have earned the right to do anything they want on any of his properties. They asked what about a cabin. His response, " I own the cabin you lived in for two summers, did I charge you rent? You can build anything you want as long as only groups from your church stay there, no one permanent".
Ed owns so much land throughout Circle, the gardens could really expand in 2019.

Penny in Arctic Village, Alaska

In all the Gwich'in villages through out northern Alaska women would speak highly of Penny Gay. Not simply because Penny has shown leadership in growing gardens and teaching in each year's Summer School. She is an adviser that speaks with her actions, nothing needs to be said. Her common sensed advise and encouragement is trusted, because she is here to celebrate their heritage, without any thought of trying to "civilize" them in the name of Christ like other denominations.
Shown here is a pioneer.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Baptizing Mark Hess

The ripple effect of the May 21st. News Miner article "Newsflash, gardens can grow in the Arctic" prompted Mark to research our denomination and find it was a perfect fit. That's why he asked Bill to Baptize him. Bill said take this phone number and call my pastor, because I had no idea about baptizing anyone. Mark called Jay Carter and after several phone calls Penny arrived with a certificate of baptism and we performed a baptism. It was one of the most spiritual moments of Bill's life as Penny recorded that special moment in Arctic Village.
To this very day Mark feels the strength of being part of our denomination.
Praise GOD!!


Special thanks to Todd and Mary Groat

Todd and Mary have been the single reason this project got off the ground. Todd's encouragement in 2007 and his offer to be more of a help in 2008 was such a blessing.
We had no idea just how helpful they would be until they offered up their yard for us to live on and plant the largest garden. We planned to go back to Charlie and Marion's until we found the price was far too high.
For Todd and Mary it was all about how to help the community with fresh veggies.
Mary took it a step farther when she asked Penny to help with Summer School. Mary as a paid elementary teacher and Penny as a volunteer high school teacher.
Mary is the person who invited us to Circle also. THANK YOU MARY!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Arctic Village Documentary: Scott Sternbach

Scott Sternbach is the Dean of Photography at Laguardia Comm. College, and a world adventurer. He received a grant so his film crew traveled to Arctic Village in July of 2011.
One visit was not enough. Scott has returned several times because (like Penny and Bill) he is fascinated with these people and their far away home.
Scott will air the documentary in 2019 at the world film festival. Penny and Bill are featured in the documentary and have been invited to the premier.
 Scott and his crew are the folks that made Penny and Bill realize they're being used as tools to inspire people around the globe to help others.
Locally in Fairbanks google " Newsflash, gardens can grow in the Arctic " to read what was written in the Fairbanks News Miner.
Dora's picture is very special because she came to Arctic Village knowing she would have to eat meat for the first time in years, she thought she had no choice. Come to find out she had all the fresh veggies she would want. Dora called us her savior's.
If you google Scott Sternbach you will see many photos of Penny and Bill. Also find his teaser video to see them also.

Circle, Ak.: Earla's going to be missed

Earla came to Circle as part of a bible school team some sixty plus years ago and moved there the following year. Earla and Dick have owned the store in Circle for fifty years. Over that time they gave credit to all, they would never allow someone to go without a meal.
Twice a week Earla traveled the Steese Highway, doing a " turn around " to Fairbanks for supplies for the store. Over a million miles says the Fairbanks News Miner ( Oct. 2nd. 2018 ).
Earla will be missed.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

More photos of trip to Lybrook :2017

Pastor Jay and Bill left PleasantDale COB headed to central New Mexico to drop off the third van full of love gifts for our Navajo sisters and brothers.

October Trip to Caimito, Puerto Rico

So many blessing have resulted from our trip. Our contact person is Samuel, his family has such a history as part of the Church of the Brethren.
Samuel explained how his neighbor supplies Walmart and Sam's Club with the bulk of their lettuce and now cucumbers. He shared how Mike would like to see Samuel set up his property with greenhouses to supply other stores in San Juan because Mike just doesn't have the space for more greenhouses.
Samuel's two horses run free on his four acres.
Bill has been asked to come live up on the mountain and help with the first year of constructing the first several hundred foot greenhouse, and the planting of it.