Thursday, November 15, 2018

Circle, Alaska: Blessings resulting in a dilemma.

For years the prospect of staying in Fairbanks to spend the summer with the truly hurting Native sisters and brothers has been on our hearts. We decided to see what help we could be at The Soup Kitchen, to start.
After just an hour or two it's like God has put so many people and opportunities before us, that this must be what we're to do. During this time we were asked to pray with a director, a business owner and eight homeless natives as they shared the life decisions that put them where they are, homeless and drunk at 10:30 AM . The only reason so many opened up to us, we shared about our last twelve summers along with the Gwich'in people we know and love.
We left Alaska thinking we knew where we should spend next summer. That is until we heard about the two accidents on the Steese Highway and who died and who are injured.
The people in Circle have lost so much and are really hurting. We know this isn't the time to tell them we're not coming back.
We do feel a few more trips on the Steese next summer could result in helping out in both regions. There's so many opportunities to be a real blessing next summer in both Fairbanks and Circle   
The beautiful gardens at the soup kitchen could be more than tripled if they had a couple more volunteers next summer.

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