Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Friends in Fairbanks: Bill and Penny

One of the many blessings returned for acts of service is new friends. We left Arctic Village sooner than planned because folks took home-ownership of their gardens. Heidi Rader ( Tanana Chiefs Conference ) was glad to hear of the success in Arctic Village and asked us to attend a meeting in her office that week, saying it was so fortunate that you were in Fairbanks. The meeting was with a grant writer from Washington state. The meeting lasted two hours, each avenue traveled had Penny and I sharing on our experience in that line of service. It was like we were meant to be there, which is so true. Gi Gi wants a copy of our upcoming DVD and a power point to present for grant funding. We left the meeting with Gi Gi planning to return the following day for a workshop Heidi and Cara were presenting. The three of us went to the Farmer's Market and enjoyed learning more about crop production and each other. We dropped Gi Gi off at the Ag. Dept. on the campus of Univ. of Alaska at Fairbanks. We made plans to meet and spend more time together later, then meet the Dean of Ag. the following day. We never would have met Gi Gi had we stayed on schedule. This trip is not about us.

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