Saturday, August 26, 2017

Circle: 2017

Penny and I have been blessed to travel and be welcome in first Arctic Village, Alaska, and for the past five summers in Circle, Alaska. This summer has been the best summer to date.
We had our first group in Circle, a Bible School Team from PleasantDale COB. Lesley Kintz, her daughter Lily, Marrah Steele, David Braun, and Dustin Jackson travel to Fairbanks for three days of being a tourist and much fun, before traveling the Steese highway to Circle.
The Bible School was a complete success and the team was invited back next summer, to the joy of us all.
Between a community gathering, to time on the mighty Yukon River, and helping with the many fish wheels going out on the river, a well rounded experience was had by all. Each member stated the time had passed far too quickly, and all though they missed their families, they didn't want to go back to Indiana.
One of the many blessing for Bill was to see a group of people in Circle, and realize they weren't from a far away country like he sees daily, but church family from PleasantDale. " That was one of the best moments of the summer " says Bill. Finally being to a point where our Gwich'in sisters and brothers were comfortable enough with us to receive others from Indiana . I couldn't be happier about our place in the village and our place in the hearts of the Gwich'in people.
Many photos will be added soon

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